Individual Honours

In April 1970, the original subscribers to the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association of the Concrete Institute of Australia provided for the granting of Life and Honorary Memberships in recognition of outstanding contributions. In recent years new individual awards and honours have been added to the Institute’s “recognition” program, and it is through Individual Honours and Awards that the Concrete Institute of Australia recognises those people who have made outstanding contributions to the industry and the Institute. The granting of these Awards is carefully considered, and the Awards are highly regarded.

Over the pursuing years, awards for Life and Honorary memberships have generally been presented at the Institute’s Biennial conferences. In recent years new individual awards and honours have been added to the Institute’s recognition program, to include:

  • The Concrete Institute of Australia Medal
  • Honorary Membership
  • Life Membership
  • The Young Professional Medal
  • The Kevin Abrams Medal
  • CIA Recognition of Service

Concrete Institute of Australia Medal

In celebration of the Institute’s Golden Jubilee in 2020, a new honour in the form of the Concrete Institute of Australia Medal was established.

The creation of this honour adds emphasis to the Institute’s first 50 years of achievement and provides the opportunity for recognition that goes beyond the Institute’s Life and Honorary Membership honours.

It is recognised that this award will initially be granted to people who have contributed significantly to the formation, growth, and development of the Institute over its first 50 years. Following this, the Nomination Committee may recommend future nominees to be granted the medal in line with the criteria.

The Concrete Institute of Australia Medal will be presented to recipients at appropriate Institute functions. Recipients of this award will receive a framed certificate and a medallion certifying the granting of the award.

Honorary Membership

The Council may elect as an Honorary Member of the Institute any person who in the opinion of the Council is considered to have made an outstanding contribution to the development of concrete technology and practice in Australia. An Honorary Member shall have all the rights and privileges enjoyed by an Individual Member but shall not be required to pay any subscription.

Honorary Memberships granted will be presented to the recipient(s) at the Institute’s Biennial Conferences. Nominations for Honorary Membership may be made at any time, but only those received by 30 April in the year of the Biennial Conference (or at least six months prior to the Conference) will be considered for an Award at the Conference.

Recipients of this Award will receive a framed certificate and a medallion certifying the granting of the Award. Not more than four Honorary Memberships may be awarded in any two-year cycle.

Life Membership

The Council may elect as a Life Member of the Institute any person who in the opinion of the Council has given long and other meritorious service to the Concrete Institute.  A Life Member shall have all the rights and privileges enjoyed by an Individual Member but shall not be required to pay any subscription.

Life Memberships granted will be presented to the recipient(s) at the Institute’s Biennial Conferences.  Nominations for Life Membership may be made at any time, but only those received by 30 April in the year of the Biennial Conference (or at least six months prior to the Conference) will be considered for an Award at the Conference.

Recipients of the Award will receive a framed certificate and a medallion certifying the granting of the Award.

Young Professional Medal

Introduced in 2024, the CIA Young Professional Award recognises the contributions of younger members of the Institute for professional achievement. This Award is open to any Concrete Institute of Australia member under the age of 35 who has provided a notable and significant contribution towards the Institute and to the concrete industry.

The Young Professional Medal will be presented to the recipient at the Institute’s Biennial Conferences.  Nominations for the Award may be made at any time, but only those received by 30 April in the year of the Biennial Conference will be considered in that cycle.

Recipients of the Award will receive a framed certificate and a medallion certifying the granting of the Award.

Kevin Abrams Medal

Established in 2024, in recognition of the very significant contribution made to the Institute by CIA Life Member, the late Kevin Abrams. Kevin was a Councillor of the Institute for 26 years, and NSW committee member for 34 years, and continued to serve the Institute with the same passion and enthusiasm until his untimely passing. Kevin had a wonderful way of embracing our history with a view to the future, balancing experience with change, and bringing together the old with the new. There was no-one who embodied the essence of the Concrete Institute of Australia more.

This award is made to an individual Institute member who has made a significant contribution to the Institute’s activities – technical, administrative, and/or other form of service – and embodying the spirit of Kevin Abrams with their work and contribution to the Institute.

The Kevin Abrams Medal will be presented to the recipient at the Institute’s Biennial Conferences.  Nominations for the Award may be made at any time, but only those received by 30 April in the year of the Biennial Conference will be considered in that cycle.

Recipients of the Award will receive a framed certificate and a medallion certifying the granting of the Award.

Recognition of Service

This award will be made at a suitable time to an Institute member who has served on National Council, a State or Regional Committee, or any other committee related to the Institute for at least 20 years.

The nominated committee members should have made a significant contribution by regular attendance at committee meetings, facilitating and assisting at events, and making regular contribution in line with the Institute’s objectives.

More than one award may be recognised in any one two-year cycle. Recipients of the award will receive a framed certificate certifying the granting of the Award.