Company Membership

A company reaches peak performance when its people are powered by a shared understanding of their goals and challenges and access to the knowledge and tools they need to meet these. The Concrete Institute of Australia’s Company Membership, is a cost-effective way for you to provide your staff with the access to an extensive range of information and resources to help them deliver quality service to your clients.

Our Company Membership allows companies, both large and small to benefit from our services. Each level of Membership offers nominated Representatives with the full list of benefits provided in the Professional Membership which ensures you are providing your committed employees with access to resources, tools, professional development and up to date information. The Concrete Institute of Australia has four levels of Company Membership – Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Memberships.

Our Platinum, Gold and Silver Membership Levels are best suited to organisations with representation or offices in more than one state which will ensure your company receives not only a wider exposure, but staff located in different states can access our seminars, site visits and workshops.

Our Bronze Membership is available for smaller companies that prefer promotional exposure to be focussed on a single state.


Company Membership Features and Benefits

Features and BenefitsNationalSingle State
Representative Members (including Principal Representative)2515105
Voting rights - one vote per membership
Right to nominate for National Council and State Committees
Right to nominate for Technical and Standards Committees
Discount on seminar and webinar fees and conference registration
Discount on pdf and hard-copy publication purchases
Discount on state event sponsorship
Acknowledgement at State and National events
Use of Company Member logo to promote Membership to your audience
Logo in the Company Member Directory with link back to company
Logo on the homepage of the Concrete Institute of Australia's website
Receipt of four (4) issues of Concrete in Australia magazine each year per Rep
Acknowledgement in Concrete in Australia magazine
Discount on advertising in Concrete in Australia magazine30%20%10%
Additional copies of Concrete in Australia magazine (upon request)503525
Access to Members Hub which includes a comprehensive library of CIA technical documents and resources and fib technical documents
Acknowledgement on National Conference placards
Preference for sponsorship at National Conference
Discount on exhibition space at National Conference