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ACT public consultation on engineer registration

Consultation on a proposed Professional Engineer Registration Scheme by the Australian Capital Territory Government is underway.

The territory’s government is seeking feedback on a consultation paper on the proposed registration scheme, with submissions closing 20 September 2022.

Engineers Australia, whose headquarters are based in Canberra, is ready with pen poised as it has been calling for a professional registration scheme in the ACT “for some years now”.

EA has plans to write a submission that will include direct input from its members. The organisation’s Chief Engineer, Jane MacMaster, told the ABC that, “engineered systems and technologies have critical safety and performance aspects … so it’s important we all feel confident that the people doing engineering work, particularly design work, which has performance and safety implications, are competent professionals”.

Ms MacMaster said when the scheme is introduced, the instances of poor engineering work are expected to reduce leading to the cost of rework reducing as well.

“Registration will also make it easier to find professional engineers and check their qualifications [or confirm their status] through a register,” she explained.

The ACT Government said “following community and stakeholder consultation, the scheme will be finalised, with legislation prepared and a Bill presented to the Legislative Assembly later this year.

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Image: ACT Government

About the author

Desi Corbett

Desi is the Editor of Concrete in Australia and at the helm of our magazine for 8 years. She was behind the Institute's weekly news bulletins from 2016-2021 and is now writing our focused news items. Desi has been an engineering news and features journalist/editor across all disciplines since 2013 - part of a 30-year career writing for a wide range of industries.