Have your say on concrete cutting and drilling

A code of practice review on the cutting and drilling of concrete is underway for NSW, according to the state government, with submissions invited.

SafeWork NSW is reviewing the Cutting and Drilling Concrete and other Masonry Products Code of Practice and is asking for feedback to improve it as it is 26 years old.

Specifically, the government is trying to determine if the Code from 1997 is still relevant; is easy to understand; and supports current and emerging work practices and technologies.

“The Code provides information and guidance to make sure health and safety risks are identified, assessed, eliminated or controlled according to the work health and safety laws,” the NSW Government stated.

People in roles such as concrete cutters, builders, scaffolders, bricklayers, carpenters, demolition contractors, road workers and others interested in concrete are welcome to give feedback or send submissions.

The deadline to have your say is 8 October 2023.

About the author

Desi Corbett

Desi is our weekly news journalist and the editor of Concrete in Australia magazine for 10 years. She has been heavily involved in all forms of engineering since 2013; part of a 30-year writing career across a range of subjects and media.